I'd Still Take The Paper Cut Crime Boss Over The Hair Sniffer In Chief Any Time
Ok the Weekend At Bernie's Presidency is not funny any more. Let Pedo Joe Go.
Ok the Weekend At Bernie's Presidency is not funny any more, Let Pedo Joe Go.***
Predictions: Bidenomics & The Planned Invasion & Takeover of America
So this is all just a joke about a fictional tale about a political opinion. None of it is real. It’s all fantasy. Don’t sweat it. It’s not who you think it is.
State Chairman Winnie the Poo bribed president "10% for the Big Guy" via his twin suns--Artemis & Diana--to allow ALL the world's terrorists, foreign criminals & drug runners into the US to invade it and take it over.
As a consequence kidnap gangs roamed the land. They kidnapped all the billionaires and held them for ransom. Their companies and corporations paid a billion a piece to get them back. Then terrorists and foreign criminals kidnapped all prominent and influential people in the US including every single one of the former presidents. JC died in captivity. That guy who ate dog and was born in Kenya was bailed out for a billion. A bunch of idiots paid a billion to get the Bankrupt Billionaire back. A bigger bunch of idiots paid 2 billion to see the Tangerine Tornado tortured to death on live television. Jim Bob Hope talked his way out of it by saying: I got connections, I can get you all laid. (The shortest republican in the race became president later that year. Republicans stopped shooting themselves in the foot in a circular firing squad for just long enough to point out the truth. Democrats had been for the invasion and take over the US all along. Every democrat in the country was complicit. Democrats lost everything there was to lose in the November elections.)
And so it will come to pass that a small, but determined group of republicans will secretly undermine the democrat plot to destroy
American in a most unexpected way. These republicans will contact each and every foreign criminal and illegal alien as well as each every member of any minority group in America and show them pictures of the men in dresses working for the Plagiarist In Chief. They will point out to all these folks that the democrats have a plan to castrate and mutilate and drug the children of the poor and to brainwash them into hating their parents and hating their parents jobs. Then these rogue republicans will point out that all these bad things can be avoided if the minority folks vote straight republican ticket.
Part of president "10% for the Big Guy's" downfall will come when he gets so greedy that no one can miss the corruption. The plagiarist in chief will reason that since he plans to let drug and human traffickers into the US unfettered anyway, why not take bribes from the folks and fatten his wallet even more. He will convince his twin suns Artemis and Diana to stop coke fueled gun play with whores long enough to pick up the extra cash....
Right at the moment when the republicans were poised to win everything everywhere in America, president "10% for the Big Guy" through the "good" offices of the pope Lucifer Beelzebub, threw one last Hail Satan pass (used to be called a Hail Mary until the pope began to worship the earth and the rainbow mafia) and signed the US up to a new World Health Organization treaty. The Satan worshiping Marxists who governed the US senate quickly ratified the treaty. The treaty said that WHO was God King Emperor during health emergencies and anyone who said they weren't would be immediately executed. WHO declared an emergency and declared all republicans a pandemic virus. The most fascist organization this planet has ever or will ever spawn--even more fascist than Hitler Nazis---antifa promptly murdered all republicans. And then the dream of every democrat in America was fulfilled. China became the world's only super power and all Americans were sent to communist work prisons where they were promptly worked to death. You're welcome!
So this is all just a joke about a fictional tale about a political opinion. None of it is real. It’s all fantasy. Don’t sweat it. It’s not who you think it is.
So this is all just a joke about a fictional tale about a political opinion. None of it is real. It’s all fantasy. Don’t sweat it. It’s not who you think it is.
So not everyone could make the varsity. Some of the terrorists that president "10% For the Big Guy" got bribed to let into the US were second rate.
Since these second tier terrorists might bungle an important job like financing global terrorist organization via kidnapping, they were given the s*** jobs. One of the primary crap jobs was acting as decoys, distractions, and diversions.
And so it was that a group of junior terrorists, or terrorists in training were sent to take over every sanctuary city and state in America. In addition they were tasked to invade and commandeer every "gun free" zone in America. After all, in a "gun free" zone it was almost guaranteed that no one would shoot back.
One of the places the 2nd rate terrorists tried to take over was the capital of California. They took Governor "Slept with his best friends wife" and his spouse and children and all the legislators hostage and tried to hold them for ransom. This was a less than clever plan since the terrorists were now in fixed, known positions and all the police had to do is surround them, cut of all water and electricity and wait them out. The final blow came with the police got tired of waiting and grew weary of complaints by the public over the seeming lack of action and moved in under a haze of tear gas. The terrorists had done some humiliating things to hostages such as requiring them to parade around naked but the only casualties were some armed security guards and some terrorists.
The B Team terrorists also commandeered some radio and TV stations and used the broadcast media to read their manifestos aloud and declare the Caliphate of California. Before the police could move in some self appointed militia men slaughtered the B Team terrorists and they accidentally killed some of the TV and radio workers as well.
These secondary actions by replacement terrorists were also tried in places like Minnesota, Chicago, Michigan, New York and Boston. Although they sometimes got University students and other useful idiots to run interference for them the end result was always the same. Terrorists in fixed, known positions lost and lost badly when attacked by police and sometimes self appointed militia who knew the positions well.
Given that all of these secondary, distraction attacks there was some widespread panic in certain corners of America. Especially California. In California some geniuses had put foreign criminals and terrorists on the police forces and in government offices. When the order for the terrorists to attack was given, these embedded individuals shot some of their their fellow officers and officials in the back and took the rest hostage. So initially, in some places it looked like California government had been take over by terrorists and foreign criminals who had been explicitly let in the country and blessed by president "Dog Faced Pony Soldier" (aka "The Plagiarist in Chief"), and governor "French Laundry" (aka "Slept with his Best Friend's Wife"). However, some self appointed militias countered the terrorists, and then the Calvary--namely the National Guard took control over the situation. The militia were not the organized straight shooters they thought they were so they took heavy casualties.
The preceding was a joke about an opinion about a book about a movie, ad infinitum, etc:
Not one word was real!!!!
No real gerbils were harmed. Any resemblance to anything or anyone was pure chance dewd.
***Don't be surprised if Chairman Winnie The Pooh & the Russians try to hit us when we are down. They may say all of our problems are due to letting that rainbow mafia abuse children. They may also say that the rainbow mafia contracts and spreads disease and that the rainbow mafia are the cause of disease out breaks. Also don't be surprised if our useful idiot college students march and protest in favor of Russia and China invading the US and "liberating" us .
Predictions for 2024
So this is all just a joke about a fictional tale about a political opinion. None of it is real. It’s all fantasy. Don’t sweat it. It’s not who you think it is.
Coming across the border for years
Deep fake
North Korea will pretend to send tens of millions of people over to vote in US elections illegally. Actually they will only send sent hundreds of thousands. Deep fake images will make it seem like there were millions. North Korea will bribe all vote registrars to manipulate vote registrations and actual voting to support the North Korea desired candidate in every district in the United States.
Snitch Coin
Bitch Coin
North Korea takes over the world via voting and bit coin. North Korea bribes people (like registrars) with crypto coins which the receivers believe to be untraceable. But the North Koreans put a back door in every coin so they know exactly where the “money” is at all times. Hence the term “snitch” coin. The derogatory slang term for the funny money was “bitch coin”, as in: You my bitch now.
It will turn out that not every snitch bitch coin will have a real back door. Rather, just like certain magicians involved in the long con, North Korea will have set up conditions weeks, months, years and even decades ago to make current people believe that North Korea has information it could not possibly otherwise have. It is said that the guilty flee when no man pursues. So some of the bribe takers will fake themselves out when there actually was no credible threat.
North Korea will reveal its electoral machinations during the 2024 presidential elections. Serious secessionist movements will arise in each of the 50 states since no one will trust the electoral process any longer. Right and left wing militias will battle it out in the streets. A strong man will arise and take over the country and impose a dictatorship. He will declare war on Texas after Texas secedes. His troops will defect to Texas and then Texas will take over the southwest and the south. Mexico will take California. Canada will take the northern states. China will take New England.
Much, much later it will be discovered that at least two adversaries and at least two "allies" tried to take direct control over US elections. They did not like who we picked or how we picked them. North Korea just happened to be firstest with the mostest. For the bad actors of the world it was something of an IQ test. If you could gain control of trillions of dollars and one of the world's strongest militaries without firing a shot, why wouldn't you?
Government agents mastered the art of the “infinite bribe.” They owned the printing press after all. Threats worked too. Then there was the helping hand of Twitter’s cancel culture. Loss of income, prestige, work. If you did not say and do the “right” things.
The left decided to stop cheating to win elections! For the left the best thing about having the bankrupt billionaire Donald Dunce run for high office is he convinced each and every one of the morons who voted for him that all elections were rigged. What this meant was half or more of the GOP voters did not vote in the 2022 and 2024 elections because they thought it would not matter since the fix was in. And so, left wingers never had to cheat to win again
The GOP officially changed its moniker to GUP. They went from the Grand old Party to the Give up Party. They had conceded schools, the culture and then elections to democrats. The US became a one party country.
OK so republicans are not JUST the give up party. Sometimes they are just stupid. They send their kids to schools wherein children are taught to hate their parents. There’s a word for parents who pay their taxes and tuitions to produce haters—Stupid.
It was decided that the only way to meet the more extreme goals of extreme environmentalists was to kill off all the extreme environmentalists. This was done and the world rejoiced. The environment improved as well. And the polar bears were well fed at last.
Big pharma tricked the world into getting a jab once per hour on the hour every day. The vaccines turned out be saline solution. True believers said that fewer people were dying so it was working. There was absolutely no proof of this assertion but that kind of logical observation never stopped the pseudo crypto National Socialists before.
By the by, apropos of nothing, it turns out that one of the slickest ways any politician ever found to take a bribe is to write a book. There are more schemes to launder the money paid for advances and even for selling books than you could shake a stick at. Any time people hear that this or that politician got rich from selling books they stop asking questions. In case you did not know it bots, political campaigns, unions, companies, countries, corporations, non profits and even billionaires can all buy millions of books and give them away or burn them or whatever. It’s ingenious because nobody ever asks questions about this legal form of bribery.
Documents are discovered that prove Satanists have taken over all the world’s religions. The biggest clue was of course the witch burnings and the inquisition. When the church tortured and murdered people or had people tortured and murdered. Everyone should have known that the church was acting on the behalf of Satan at that point. After all, few evils are worse that torturing and murdering people. Satanists continue to run religions in the modern day. This is why periodically it is discovered that clerics are raping children.
Whenever any “religious” people insist on raping children, or disfiguring children or torturing people or murdering people this is Satan’s handiwork.
The State Of California will experiment with District Attorney’s who are further and further to the left. At last will arise a crop of district attorney’s who are present whenever a murderer is set free from prison. The DAs will have a canned speech: They will say something like “Go forth my son and murder the capitalist pigs in their beds!!!”
Not everyone in the world agrees with the US left winger idea of the fluidity of sex and gender or with the appropriate role of homosexuality in society. Not everyone on the planet agrees that if a person identifies as a bull frog one day everyone is required to treat them as such and that if that same person identifies as a weasel the next then they become the Ferret Supreme on their say so alone. The push back from some non western nations will become so loud, insistent and public that the western press will no longer be able to bury it and hide it.
There are some black people in the US who identify as white. They will en masse sue private organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan for full membership and demand that all governmental bodies and internet providers ban any deniers of their self identified whiteness from all government and internet services as a matter of law. Not quite for the reasons mentioned in the “frivolous” law suits but rather, for other reasons all government and commercial entities and groups will ban all Klan members and all openly racist Caucasian individuals from their services. There will be actual cases of white supremacists dying for the lack of health care, food, water, electricity, gasoline and other goods and services. The main stream media will rejoice.
While the US is busy China will take Taiwan unopposed and China will snap up all the disputed islands, lands and territories in its sphere of influence.
Meanwhile Russia will take Ukraine and polish off any dissident nations and peoples who annoy it.
Donald Dunce, on finding himself imprisoned for high treason and facing the ultimate sanction, commits suicide rather than facing the firing squad.
Against all odds Biden holds on for his entire first term but finds himself unable to continue for a second. Kamala Harris is trounced thoroughly in the 2024 elections by Nikki Haley who has Condoleezza Rice as her running mate. No cis gendered male is ever president again. Alternating between the two major parties the United States chooses only female presidents for the rest of the history of the United States.
At some point in the future all publicly available tweets will be from bots. All private, human tweets will exist only in a “secret garden”. Secret garden tweets will never be seen by anyone except the tweeter.
It will be revealed that all food—even stuff that looks like green leafy vegetables and carrots—is made from textured bug parts. Bugs ate everything long ago so now we just eat bugs.
It will be revealed that no televised sport is real. All sports have been fixed for about 500 years or so. And yes, that means the results of every sport that was ever bet on have been predetermined. Especially the ones with “unexpected” outcomes. It’s amazing what you can do with lots of bribes, threats, promises, severed heads and sudden, unexpected deaths and illnesses. But you have to be willing to bribe everyone, even fans who appear to interfere with the game at inauspicious moments.
Anyone who states or implies that either the economic, political or military threat of China is overblown hype has, like as not, secretly mastered the art of saying: “Yes master. I hear and obey,” in perfect Mandarin. Gaslighting, can you say that?
Sooner or later every man in Hollywood will be accused of sexual assault. When you realize that the last two presidents and a number of sitting Supreme Court justices have been accused of sexual assault you will see the inevitability.
Several millionaires, billionaires, famous athletes, professional sports organizations as well as some billion dollar companies and corporations will visit their slaves in China. The bourgeoisie scions will bring fruit baskets.
And now for something completely different. The following is a joke about an opinion about a book about a movie, ad infinitum, etc:
So let us discuss the consequences of the president "10% For the Big Guy" taking bribes from both China and Russia to allow EVERY terrorist and foreign criminal on earth to invade and take over the United States of America.
The terrorists and foreign criminals that the Plagiarist in Chief was bribed to let into the United States will begin organizing the Useful Idiots from America's Universities. They will get these useful idiots to march in favor both Chinese and Russian Invasions to save them from their "hostile and genocidal" government.
Next the terrorists will send protestors to storm the northern border of the US. Rumors will fly around that the protestors are providing cover for a northern invasion. Some cars will crash the border because that's a good distraction.
Speaking of good the distractions, the next thing that happens in our purely fictional, novelized movie script, is a fleet of drones will attack the white house. Whenever a drone is shot down or deactivated in any way it will burst into flames and shoot off fire works. In the after action report it will be concluded that not much would have happened had the drone army been allowed to hit the white house. Their only payload was fireworks.
Whilst the distractions mentioned above are brewing and stewing the true targets of the terrorists are rounded up. They kidnap all the billionaires as well as all of the most prominent gays, transexuals, jews, and social media influencers. Turns out that although claims will be made that this is a political action against capitalism and the "Jewish cabal" it will actually just be another cash grab. All will be ransomed.
A huge caravan of the hostages from all over the US will make a mad dash for Mexico. There will be false flags and distractions of various types to throw everyone off the trail. For instance, the Bidenomics paid for terrorists will have their co-conspirator college students, homeless bums, and foreign criminals blow up all major bridges, historic buildings as well as things like every federal reserve building in the US.
Finally the terrorists, who were let into the country by president Korn Pop, will reach the southern border. As they approach the border their narco terrorist co-conspirators in Mexico will overwhelm the US border guards with thousands of migrants. The terrorists will use firework drones to distract any border agents that were not otherwise distracted.
At this point the terrorists will use some Chinese tech they purchased and take over all US communications. They will broadcast a command that their "forces" in Mexico attack and take over the United States of America. Thousands of armed people will storm the border and shoot guns and blow up fireworks.
Somehow an armed US militia that is about 10,000 strong will get wind of and be waiting for this attack and they will lay waste to the attacking army.
The terrorists will take advantage of all the confusion, cross the border, load their hostages into waiting airplanes and take off bound for Africa and the Middle East.
In the after action report it will be found that the dead "invading army" was composed entirely of children who were paid to pretend to attack. Their guns were full of blanks and their munitions were weak fireworks. So the militia, which of course had almost no casualties, killed a bunch of harmless kids.
US military forces, as well as the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc tracked the aircraft and sent in drones of their own in Africa and the Middle East to kill the terrorists. At first it appeared that they had slaughtered all the terrorists. Then it was revealed that the terrorists had contrived to make missionaries and relief agencies look like terrorists to the eyes of American intelligence agencies. The US government had slaughtered a whole boat load of innocents and the terrorists were no where to be found.
President Dog Faced Pony soldier got more bribes from his twin sons Artemis and Diana and then he openly printed trillions of dollars to buy the kidnapped folks back from the terrorists.
The American people then need wheelbarrows full of cash to buy a loaf of bread. Try as he might president Let's Go Brandon could not repeal the laws of inflation. BIDENOMICS ladies and gentlemen!
The preceding was a joke about an opinion about a book about a movie, ad infinitum, etc:
Not one word was real!!!!
No real gerbils were harmed. Any resemblance to anything or anyone was pure chance dewd.
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