If you vote for democrats then "transgendered" pedophiles who "identify as women" will be forced into public restrooms with little girls by local law enforcement under court order. And when this fiasco is done every little girl in America will probably raped and have a sexual disease courtesy of democrats.
For democrats, home grown perverts are not enough. They are insisting on importing so many misogynistic pedophiles who practice the world's most intolerant religion that the United States will inevitably be under Sharia law. The fake "refugees" from Syrian who have begun raping their way across Europe will soon start raping the United States--if you vote democrat. And on top of this, if the San Bernardino terrorists are any indication, lax government vetting and screening will ensure more terrorist attacks.
And finally there is the democrat concept of "sanctuary cities". Sanctuary cities are where democrats temporarily hide rapists who came to the United States illegally. Even when these foreign criminals commit rape and murder on US soil, still democrats defend a system for protecting fugitives from US justice.
When is the last time you saw feminists march against the rape of women by the Syrian refugees in Europe? Why would feminists who supposedly exist to protect women not be marching in the streets in Europe and the US to prevent these crimes against women? Why would feminists be in favor of forcing little girls to go to the bathroom with pedophiles who "identify as women"? Don't they know what will happen to the little girls? Why aren't feminists against harboring rapists and murderers in sanctuary cities? The inaction of feminists proves the bankruptcy of liberal, progressive, democrat and socialist ideology. They are ready, willing and able to sacrifice little girls for political ends. They have been infected by Marxist contagion and they now value communism more than they value the health and safety of women and girls.
So it seems that feminists are allowing little girls to raped for purely political reasons. But why are the masters who hold feminists en thralled--why are democrats doing this? If they said they were willing to sacrifice the innocence of your little daughter to hasten the destruction of capitalism would that make it alright with you? If they said they were willing to let your little daughter be raped to usher in a new communist era would you vote for that? Suppose they said they were deliberately causing the spread of deadly sexually transmitted diseases in order to kill off excess humans and save the planet. Is that worth your daughters life? Suppose liberals, progressives and leftists said your little girl's virginity was the price they were willing to pay to fight bigotry and racism. Is that okay with you?
I Identify as Bruce Jenner or #IdentifyAsBruceJenner? #IIdentifyAsBruceJenner
I am a straight male and I Identify as Bruce Jenner, can I enter the women's room now? No? Okay then I am a man and #IdentifyAsBruceJenner? Now can I go the ladies bathroom?
Bizarre Bizarre Headless Zombie Space Alien