Someone needs to crowd fund or crowd source getting a roll of rebel toilet paper for every republican senator and congressman:
For those still crying over the loss of their cherished slavery flag, send them rebel toilet paper:
That way they can celebrate their love of slavery, the klan and the confederate flag
in the way God intended. Flushing all that crap down the down the toilet.
Don't thank me Cry Babies, just shove that flag where the sun don't shine.
Come on folks, give a crap for congress. Send your favorite conservative a roll of rebel shit paper today.
White Privilege, Restorative Justice, Reparations, Lightworkers,Aura, Restitution
Women over 30 years of age who are concerned that they have abused their white privilege are in luck. Your opportunity for restorative justice, reparations and restitution has arisen. This might help you with your aura and give you a chance to work on your lightworkers merit badge.
Join every club and community action group in the world. Become a member of every board in every company and corporation. And then when the time comes and the law allows, buy all of my art and use it to decorate the corporate world or to give to the poor or whatever your group, company or corporation does with it's funds--along as it legal.
Buy my art for all your family and friends and for yourself too.
Pink Flowers. Pink Dresses. Pink Skirts.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Mighty Clouds of Rainbow Joy
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Radically Pink. Shocking Pink. PinkBlack. BlackPink
Dreaming Pink Dreams: Pink Pillow Paradise
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Nice Day For A Pink Wedding: Pink Presents, Pink Gifts, Pink Favors