Women over 30 years of age who are concerned that they have abused their white privilege are in luck. Your opportunity for restorative justice, reparations and restitution has arisen. This might help you with your aura and give you a chance to work on your lightworkers merit badge.
Join every club and community action group in the world. Become a member of every board in every company and corporation. And then when the time comes and the law allows, buy all of my art and use it to decorate the corporate world or to give to the poor or whatever your group, company or corporation does with it's funds--along as it legal.
Buy my art for all your family and friends and for yourself too.
Any woman who fears that she has abused her "white privilege" or who believes she owes black people reparations should feel free to purchase all my art for herself, her friends and family and for each and every organization and association that exists on the planet and, if she is over 30 years of age she is free give me head as much as I want whenever I want it--I will let you know when and if I have hade enough. In addition, she must spend the rest of her life recruiting other women over 30 who feel similarly inclined to have as much sex with me as I like and to buy samples of all of my art on every website on which I offer my art.
Apparently Ashley Madison got in trouble for lax security and got famous for having more fembots than women in it's ranks. Rumor has it that Ashley Madison is swearing off fembot in favor of a few dozen women who want to be talked dirty to by a million horny men. Right.
This sounds like a job for that 45 year old East European man with acne and sexual disease that only comes from congress with animals, who has 512 pictures of drop dead gorgeous 21 year hot babes. He experienced "fisherman" who pretends be the girl of some 35 year old adolescent dreams. After awhile, Ivan, or Egor, or what WhatsHisSlav will, in the persona of Kristina Sex Kitten, have a dying mother on chemo who needs $10,000.....
War of the SexBots: Cybernetic Sexual Surrogates
Anyone who sees how the "men" if ISIS seem to want to fuck anything that moves has to realize that the key to defeating ISIS may be Cybernetic Sexual Surrogates, SexBots and FemBots.
On the other hand, it's only a matter of time before Little Fatty, ruler of North Korea realizes that if he could torture his scientists into making the sexiest looking cybernetic sexual surrogates the world has ever seen he could defeat South Korea and the entire west without firing a shot. Surely every man in every army would drop his weapon and his trousers and run pell-mell into an orgy of SexBots and fuck the sexiests ones they can find.
Thus and therefor I predict that a War of the SexBots is coming. The sexual robots of North Korea will be pitted against the FemBots of the west and they will both try to fuck each other up.
The future of sex is almost certainly cybernetic. There are many, many reasons for this. You cannot get an android pregnant. An android cannot give you a sexual disease. An android would never feel jealously or heartache. An android could never sue you for child support. If android accidently removed a part of you that you had grown rather attached to, at least she would not do it out of spite. An android would not make videos of the sex and put the sex tapes out on the internet. You could make all the sex tapes you wanted with the android and distribute them hither and yon without ever being sued by the android. With an android you could have sex with a different person every night. You could even have gay or straight sex or both at the same time without anyone ever know or caring for that matter. You could have sex with an android that looked at old or as young as you like without breaking any age related laws or taboos or social conventions. If for whatever reason you wanted the android to look like a 63 year grandmother in a Catholic school girl dress you could do it and either no would be the wiser or you could show the whole internet if you like.
Speaking of kink, you could do things to your android that would be repulsive, impossible or deadly if done with a human being. At least you could have the perfect BDSM partner that always stopped in time when hurting you or never asked you to stop when you were hurting it.
I would imagine that some shrinks and social activists will balk if you try to put pain circuits into your BDSM sex bot. It just feels wrong.
Some of the things you could do with your sex bot 9000 might be turnons for but just weird to others. The obvious thing is an entirely hairless sex box. Some not so obvious thing would be a sexbot with public hairs dyed different colors. Or with a hairy but or with hair soles of the feet, hair ankles, or knees. You could give you sexbot fish scales or make your sexbot look like a furry.
Your fembot could be programmed to simulate anyone living or dead. In other words you could have sex with dead people with disturbing the neighbors. If you want your sexbot 9000 to look like the late Margaret Thatcher no one would be the wiser.
With a fembot you could have sex with anyone no matter how famous or infamous. So those of you who are infatuated with Barack Hussein Obama could have sex with the Commander in Chief of the United States while he is wearing some pseudo Harry Potter witching costume casting a very good patronous spell and making magic money appear and disappear just like he does in real life.
Speaking of sex with the living and the dead, you could make he flesh of the fembot supple or hard, wet or dry. You could have that android skin feel like warm flesh or cold plastic depending on your preference. You could have you android simulate human furniture and put them in all sorts of humiliating and difficult posing without ever harming an actual human being. Those of you who are into bestiality but don’t want to be bother with the associated diseases or with the beasts who really don’t want to get it on but do want to kick you to death. You can get animal robot that will do what you want without a visit from the health inspector, animal control, a psychiatrist or animal rights activist.
Actually, an android could give you sexual disease if you there was more than one user and if the android was not properly maintained. A properly maintained robot would be irradiated, dipped in bleach, exposed to ultraviolet light, exposed to cleansing ultrasonic, irradiated by a powerful laser and purified in ways you cannot imagine. And all of this could be done for pennies faster than you can brush your teeth. Even if thousands of humans used the same android for sex, there is no reason why she should carry disease.
As long as we are talking about being intimate with machines there something that almost everyone, even those of you who are screaming “Never with a machine” will probably one day enjoy. One day almost all the caretakers of the elderly will be machines. These machines will never tire of your old wars stories. They will not show disgust if you soil you adult diaper. They will watch you more closely if you develop Alzheimers and if they are programmed properly to appear gentle and kind they will be the last great love in the lives of some elderly people. They will not mourn when you gone. They will just take care of the next oldster with what passes close enough for love and affection.
If someone over 25 told me they would under no conceivable circumstances would they have sex with an android, fembot, robot or any non human appliance I would not believe them but might pretend that I did. Yeah, you can tell people that you only use that device to massage you neck and like me they will pretend to believe to.
But I am thinking that amongst the younger generation, I would venture to say, 25 or less there will be fewer and fewer qualms about have sex with androids. There will be a coming wave of sexual revolutions. In my view, polygamy will become legal. There will be trisexuals. There will come a point where some folks rent their bodies out to be used sexually by other folks and then finally, almost no one in and industrialized society will every touch another human being at any time for any reason. Even babies will be nursed by androids. When that time comes, the only sex in the industrialized world with be robot sex!
Help celebrate Obama’s legacy of worldwide sexual liberation. Let’s send him on a one way trip to the Japanese Penis festival! There Barack Hussein Obama can change his name to Richard and be the Head Dick forever.
Given all that Obama has done to make public policy on private acts which cannot legally be performed in public he deserves much, much more than to be Grand Dick in the Japanese Penis festival. All of the penis floats and characters surrounding the Penis festival should be emblazoned with Barack Hussein Obama’s smiling visage.
This trip should be funded by crowd sourcing so that people all over the world could show Obama appreciation for his being such a dick.
But wait there’s more. Before Obama becomes Grand Marshall of the Penis Party he should get a big sendoff while he is still in the white house. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in the world considered sending Barack Hussein Obama huge, rainbow colored dildoes and rubber penises? Let him know exactly what you think of him.
No other world leader in human history has ever been more obsessed with what is going on in another man’s pants than Barack Hussein Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama has built more monuments to perversion than any other ruler in human history. The world should consider thanking Obama by building a huge statue in his honor. The statue could depict Obama presenting his patented two handed vertical smile whilst farting rainbows out his butt.
Barry Soetoro and the Penis Prophecy!
Barry Soetoro’s legacy can only be properly celebrated by having his face plastered all over a large pink, plastic penises in Japan. If he were a super hero he would be phallic man!
Much, much more needs to be said bout BO’s legacy. Consider that under his stewardship the most powerful government this world has ever known has conferred rights and recognition based on acts and preferences which were merely claimed and which cannot legally be publicly observed. The Pervert in Chief or rather the Prince of Perverts has given real government seal of approval to essentially vaporware. If you had not seen it with your own eyes you would scarcely lend credence to it. What are powerful government officials doing even talking about legal, personal, private acts and preferences which are merely claimed and which under no circumstances can be legally observed? In some ways it’s one of the biggest bullshit swindles in human history.
No one has ever yet given a rational reason why strangers should be forced to know what other people claim to do in the privacy of their own bedroom. This is another bogus thing that Obama and the democrats have pulled off. They have basically bullied an entire society into acting as though the essentially rude behavior of forcing knowledge about your private sexuality on strangers is a thing to be celebrated. Democrats very much deserve a Bravo Bullshit award for this one.
Under Obama democrats have all but realized the communist dream of destroying capitalism and Christianity. They showed much more forethought and perseverance than any capitalist or Christian ever could. Democrats went into the nation’s schools and deliberately made the students stupid, amoral capitalist and Christianity hating retards. American students became the kind of butt fucking gerbils that would vote for Obama or Weekend at Bernie’s. Worse yet, this last generation of weak mind imbeciles that came out of the nations educational institutions have no bullshit or evil detectors. So when confronted with the notion of the government forcing little girls into the nation’s bathrooms alone with adult pedophiles pretending to identify as women, we no longer have a populace either smart enough or moral enough to see the obvious harm. Moreover, when rich and greedy businessmen team up with bribed traitors on he left to flood the country with foreign criminals (aka undocumented democrats) who depress wages and benefits and take all the jobs that would go to unemployed black teenagers, there remain none who can see and complain about this bribed treason. And lastly consider that although it is clear that the fake Syrian rape “refugees” are largely male and unless they left their mothers, wives and sisters to be raped by ISIS, they may be economic refugees but they are not running from a war. None of these fighting aged men can be vetted or screened to see which of them is a terrorist. Only an idiot or a bribed traitor would take even one of these fake refugees into the US. Especially when these fake refugees have religion, language and culture in common with the wealthy oil nations of the middle east. There should be marches in the streets—especially from feminists—to keep these fakers out. But the latest generation of young people are both too stupid to comprehend the obvious danger and too busy crying about paper cuts and “micro-aggressions”. It would certainly be appropriate for Barry Soetoro to get a billion dildoes as thanks for fucking America squarely in the ass just as his personal friends ISIS and the communist party order him too.
Consider that we have a generation of people so stupid as to celebrate the sexual confused. In fact they celebrate some individuals who are so twisted that they mutilate themselves in order to pretend to be something they are not.
By the way, no matter how hard I try to identify as the sun or molten lava it ain’t happening. And if you try to go amongst wild grizzlies or wild lions because you “identify” as one of them, your corpse will be unrecognizable. The only thing more idiotic than “micro-aggressions” is identifying as someone or something that you are not.
It is not that difficult to discover institutional and parental child abuse touted by democrats. They believe it to be virtuous to be confused about what’s in your pants and to actually think you might be a girl even if you have boy parts. In other words democrats like Obama have tried hard to produce a generation so stupid that they cannot look in their underwear and by that alone decide what sex they are.
Our educational institutions have morphed from being merely communist re-education camps to becoming full on idiot factories. And so we have a generation of morons who don’t know that our heavy, polluting industries have been moved to China and that even if there were anthropogenic global climate change only China could stop it.
So BO’s fascination with everyone's sex lives should be noted and celebrated and his communist victory deserves commentary as well
The preceding was just a joke about a fictional story about a purely political opinion. Not one rubber penis was harmed during the writing of this piece and while no one wore a condom the author considered wearing gloves and a surgical mask.
I am a straight male and I Identify as Bruce Jenner, can I enter the women's room now? No? Okay then I am a man and #IdentifyAsBruceJenner? Now can I go the ladies bathroom?
So apparently there are people willing to have sex with you, secretly take pictures and blackmail you if you don't want your boss and wife to get the naked photos of your getting busy.
Combine that with sexually transmitted diseases and crazy people who would cut you up and you might be thinking your next girlfriend needs to be a robot.
If you vote for democrats then "transgendered" pedophiles who "identify as women" will be forced into public restrooms with little girls by local law enforcement under court order. And when this fiasco is done every little girl in America will probably raped and have a sexual disease courtesy of democrats.
For democrats, home grown perverts are not enough. They are insisting on importing so many misogynistic pedophiles who practice the world's most intolerant religion that the United States will inevitably be under Sharia law. The fake "refugees" from Syrian who have begun raping their way across Europe will soon start raping the United States--if you vote democrat. And on top of this, if the San Bernardino terrorists are any indication, lax government vetting and screening will ensure more terrorist attacks.
And finally there is the democrat concept of "sanctuary cities". Sanctuary cities are where democrats temporarily hide rapists who came to the United States illegally. Even when these foreign criminals commit rape and murder on US soil, still democrats defend a system for protecting fugitives from US justice.
When is the last time you saw feminists march against the rape of women by the Syrian refugees in Europe? Why would feminists who supposedly exist to protect women not be marching in the streets in Europe and the US to prevent these crimes against women? Why would feminists be in favor of forcing little girls to go to the bathroom with pedophiles who "identify as women"? Don't they know what will happen to the little girls? Why aren't feminists against harboring rapists and murderers in sanctuary cities? The inaction of feminists proves the bankruptcy of liberal, progressive, democrat and socialist ideology. They are ready, willing and able to sacrifice little girls for political ends. They have been infected by Marxist contagion and they now value communism more than they value the health and safety of women and girls.
So it seems that feminists are allowing little girls to raped for purely political reasons. But why are the masters who hold feminists en thralled--why are democrats doing this? If they said they were willing to sacrifice the innocence of your little daughter to hasten the destruction of capitalism would that make it alright with you? If they said they were willing to let your little daughter be raped to usher in a new communist era would you vote for that? Suppose they said they were deliberately causing the spread of deadly sexually transmitted diseases in order to kill off excess humans and save the planet. Is that worth your daughters life? Suppose liberals, progressives and leftists said your little girl's virginity was the price they were willing to pay to fight bigotry and racism. Is that okay with you?
Anyone who sees how the "men" of ISIS seem to want to fuck anything that moves has to realize that the key to defeating ISIS may be Cybernetic Sexual Surrogates, SexBots and FemBots.
On the other hand, it's only a matter of time before Little Fatty, ruler of North Korea realizes that if he could torture his scientists into making the sexiest looking cybernetic sexual surrogates the world has ever seen he could defeat South Korea and the entire west without firing a shot. Surely every man in every army would drop his weapon and his trousers and run pell-mell into an orgy of SexBots and fuck the sexiests ones they can find.
Thus and therefor I predicte that a War of the SexBots is coming. The sexual robots of North Korea will be pitted against the FemBots of the west and they will both try to fuck each other up.
The future of sex is almost certainly cybernetic. There are many, many reasons for this. You cannot get an android pregnant. An android cannot give you a sexual disease. An android would never feel jealously or heartache. An android could never sue you for child support. If android accidentally removed a part of you that you had grown rather attached to, at least she would not do it out of spite. An android would not make videos of the sex and put the sex tapes out on the internet. You could make all the sex tapes you wanted with the android and distribute them hither and yon without ever being sued by the android. With an android you could have sex with a different person every night. You could even have gay or straight sex or both at the same time without anyone ever know or caring for that matter. You could have sex with an android that looked at old or as young as you like without breaking any age related laws or taboos or social conventions. If for whatever reason you wanted the android to look like a 63 year grandmother in a Catholic school girl dress you could do it and either no would be the wiser or you could show the whole internet if you like.
Speaking of kink, you could do things to your android that would be repulsive, impossible or deadly if done with a human being. At least you could have the perfect BDSM partner that always stopped in time when hurting you or never asked you to stop when you were hurting it.
I would imagine that some shrinks and social activists will balk if you try to put pain circuits into your BDSM sex bot. It just feels wrong.
Some of the things you could do with your sex bot 9000 might be turnons for but just weird to others. The obvious thing is an entirely hairless sex box. Some not so obvious thing would be a sexbot with public hairs dyed different colors. Or with a hairy but or with hair soles of the feet, hair ankles, or knees. You could give you sexbot fish scales or make your sexbot look like a furry.
Your fembot could be programmed to simulate anyone living or dead. In other words you could have sex with dead people with disturbing the neighbors. If you want your sexbot 9000 to look like the late Margaret Thatcher no one would be the wiser.
With a fembot you could have sex with anyone no matter how famous or infamous. So those of you who are infatuated with Barack Hussein Obama could have sex with the Commander in Chief of the United States while he is wearing some pseudo Harry Potter witching costume casting a very good patronous spell and making magic money appear and disappear just like he does in real life.
Speaking of sex with the living and the dead, you could make he flesh of the fembot supple or hard, wet or dry. You could have that android skin feel like warm flesh or cold plastic depending on your preference. You could have you android simulate human furniture and put them in all sorts of humiliating and difficult posing without ever harming an actual human being. Those of you who are into bestiality but don’t want to be bother with the associated diseases or with the beasts who really don’t want to get it on but do want to kick you to death. You can get animal robot that will do what you want without a visit from the health inspector, animal control, a psychiatrist or animal rights activist.
Actually, an android could give you sexual disease if you there was more than one user and if the android was not properly maintained. A properly maintained robot would be irradiated, dipped in bleach, exposed to ultraviolet light, exposed to cleansing ultrasonic, irradiated by a powerful laser and purified in ways you cannot imagine. And all of this could be done for pennies faster than you can brush your teeth. Even if thousands of humans used the same android for sex, there is no reason why she should carry disease.
As long as we are talking about being intimate with machines there something that almost everyone, even those of you who are screaming “Never with a machine” will probably one day enjoy. One day almost all the caretakers of the elderly will be machines. These machines will never tire of your old wars stories. They will not show disgust if you soil you adult diaper. They will watch you more closely if you develop Alzheimers and if they are programmed properly to appear gentle and kind they will be the last great love in the lives of some elderly people. They will not mourn when you gone. They will just take care of the next oldster with what passes close enough for love and affection.
If someone over 25 told me they would under no conceivable circumstances would they have sex with an android, fembot, robot or any non human appliance I would not believe them but might pretend that I did. Yeah, you can tell people that you only use that device to massage you neck and like me they will pretend to believe to.
But I am thinking that amongst the younger generation, I would venture to say, 25 or less there will be fewer and fewer qualms about have sex with androids. There will be a coming wave of sexual revolutions. In my view, polygamy will become legal. There will be trisexuals. There will come a point where some folks rent their bodies out to be used sexually by other folks and then finally, almost no one in and industrialized society will every touch another human being at any time for any reason. Even babies will be nursed by androids. When that time comes, the only sex in the industrialized world with be robot sex!
White Privilege, Restorative Justice, Reparations, Lightworkers,Aura, Restitution
Women over 30 years of age who are concerned that they have abused their white privilege are in luck. Your opportunity for restorative justice, reparations and restitution has arisen. This might help you with your aura and give you a chance to work on your lightworkers merit badge.
Join every club and community action group in the world. Become a member of every board in every company and corporation. And then when the time comes and the law allows, buy all of my art and use it to decorate the corporate world or to give to the poor or whatever your group, company or corporation does with it's funds--along as it legal.
Buy my art for all your family and friends and for yourself too.
Pink Flowers. Pink Dresses. Pink Skirts.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Mighty Clouds of Rainbow Joy
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Radically Pink. Shocking Pink. PinkBlack. BlackPink
Dreaming Pink Dreams: Pink Pillow Paradise
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Nice Day For A Pink Wedding: Pink Presents, Pink Gifts, Pink Favors