How to Lose Your Way to Financial Freedom In One Year
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The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction
One Year to Victory: How to Get To a Better Life in One Year
Are You Feeling Unlucky? Do you need a talisman of good omens? You are in luck!
One way to have a wedding that everyone will always remember is to have it on a date that everyone will always remember. A date like 11-12-13 comes to mind.
There are any number of other things you can do to have memorable nuptials.
Have an Ice Wedding:
Almost any extraordinary setting will do for an extraordinary wedding. Why not have you wedding in an ice hotel?
Have a Green Wedding
Given the number of people who are talking a green game, you might want to have a green wedding just to show you can walk the walk!
Sweet Sticky Rainbow Wedding
Think of it as a cartoon wedding. All gumdrop and lollipops. All rainbows and moonbeams. Incense and peppermints. Unicorns and dandy lions.
Militant Milk Mustache Wedding
This is an invitation to have a wild wedding. It could be anything from the bride and groom going commando to having you and a priest jump out of a perfectly good airplane and recite your vows as the grounds comes up at 120 mph. There's the underwater wedding. The bungee jumping wedding. The hot air balloon wedding...
How To Get A Blessing By Being A Blessing: 11/12/13
Weird and Wacky Weddings 111213 11-12-13 11/12/13 11.12.13
If You Bless Them, Will They Come?
The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction
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How to Find Uses for the Useless: Kudzu Fire
How to Cure it All: Curing all Diseases, Sicknesses, Illnesses and Injuries.
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How to Create Digital Drug Designers
How to Create Designer Digital Drugs
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How to Live In A Germ Free World
What's lucky depends on the eye of beholder. But the remaining luckiest day to get hitched in 2013 appears to November 12th 2013. Some believe that consecutive number dates are inherently lucky:
Shemitah and The Tetrad of the Blood Moons
Tetrad of the Blood Moons
September 2015, Shemitah and the Harbinger of the Blood Moons